Md. Mustafiz Raza

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Friday, July 13, 2018

URDU WORDS 33 ( Shayri4world)

Here are some Urdu words. Urdu words with meaning.
  1. Garche:- Even though, If, अगर
  2. Khayal-e-husn:- Thought  of beauty, हुस्न का ख्याल
  3. Aalam:- Condition,World, Situation, हालत
  4. Shokh:- Mischievous, शरारत, चंचल
  5. Shab-e-gham:-Night of Sorrow, दुःख की रात
  6. Nuzuul/Nuzul:- Alighting, Decent, सभ्य, पंक्तिबद्ध करना
  7. Gurbat/Ghurbat:- Poverty, गरीबी
  8. Havaadis:- Disasters, आपदा
  9. Naama:-History, Book, इतिहास, किताब
  10. Nama-Bar:- Messenger, दूत
  11. Aqsar:- Often,Frequently, अक्सर
  12. Subuk:- Light, Delicate,हल्का, नाज़ुक
  13. Pinhaa.n/Pinhaan/Pinhaa:-Concealed,Hidden, गुप्त
  14. Ashiyaan/Ashiyan:- Nest,Shelter, आसरा
  15. Saraapa/Sarapa:- Human figure from head to foot,सर से ले कर पैर तक
  16. Talaafi/Talaafii:- Compensation, Complaint,शिकायत, नुकसान भरपाई
  17. Har-Chand:- Though, However, तथापि
  18. Tundi-e-khu:- Smartness, शोभा
  19. Biim:- Fear,Terror,डर
  20. Rizq-e-ham:- Our food, हमारा भोजन

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